Central Tulsa Housing and Equity Strategy
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsans have seen the results of 15 years of sustained investment and collaboration, and the next generation of leadership is looking forward with a commitment to shared prosperity and racial equity. There is a fear that some communities could get left behind, and their history eroded or erased. The City and its partners, hearing and feeling this concern, are working to sustain Tulsa’s incredible momentum while putting policies in place to ensure that Tulsa works for everyone who lives there.
Our Approach
With these ideals in mind, the City and its partners hired Development Strategies to conduct a housing study and strategy focusing on Tulsa’s Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. Development Strategies undertook a detailed assessment of future housing demand in this study area, identifying a range of demand at all price points including significant need for affordable housing as well as for workforce, upscale, and luxury options. From this understanding, Development Strategies created a holistic framework for housing policy and investment, and identified priority actions for near-term implementation.
Development Strategies collaborated closely with the City and its partners throughout the project, and engaged a Steering Committee and Neighborhood Advisory Group to learn from the broad range of perspectives, experiences, and expertise embedded in the community.
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