10th Street Area Plan
Greeley, Colorado
In response to increasing home prices, the City of Greeley engaged Development Strategies to lead a citywide housing assessment and create an area plan to guide future development of affordable housing.
AWARD WINNER: American Planning Association (APA) – Colorado Chapter, 2024 Merit Award for Planning Excellence
Our Approach
The project team generated ideas and clarified needs and priorities for housing in Greeley through a tailored and responsive engagement process, including bilingual outreach and a focus on the Hispanic and Latino community. Development Strategies completed a housing demand study that quantified both existing and future demand for all types of housing, while also identifying strategic redevelopment locations to focus on for affordable housing.
The Development Strategies team expanded on these opportunities in a strategic redevelopment area with land use and urban design interventions that brought together community priorities, economic development opportunities, public space amenities, and connections to parks and natural spaces. To help the City of Greeley progress from ideas to action, this area plan was supported by feasibility and financial analyses that provided a real path to implementation. Development Strategies also developed a series of videos to help explain and celebrate the area plan by highlighting the plan elements, the process behind its creations, as well as support and insights from Steering Committee members who helped guide it.
PROJECT WEBSITE – At Home in Greeley
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