Downtown Development Strategy
Topeka, Kansas
The Dynamic Core of Topeka—Downtown and NOTO Arts District—experienced significant investment during the past decade, including a multi-million dollar streetscape project and nearly $150 million of private investment in the form of building renovations, loft conversion, new restaurants and breweries, and the first new hotel constructed in Downtown in more than 30 years. This activity occurred after decades of stagnation and was the direct result of a concerted effort by private, philanthropic, and public community leaders to focus on creating a destination within Topeka that would also support broader economic development goals.
Our Approach
Recent efforts on the part of Topeka—Momentum 2022, community engagement, the regional scorecard, and Holistic Economic Development Strategy—were highly methodical and Downtown Topeka, Inc. recognized the next logical step in focusing on the Dynamic Core required a detailed market analysis and strategy.
Development Strategies identified demand for several hundred housing units, multiple storefronts of high-quality retail, creative and professional office space, and hospitality uses. Ten strategies were outlined to help Downtown Topeka, Inc., and its partners support this potential development.
Downtown Topeka, Inc., and the City of Topeka are using the strategy to guide the development of a Downtown Master Plan and worked with various partners to create a Downtown-wide TIF district to support new development.
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