Development Strategies is proud to announce the latest addition to our team! Help us in welcoming Jenny Connelly-Bowen as Senior Planner.

Jenny has over a decade of experience, most recently as Executive Director of Community Builders Network, a vital non-profit in the St. Louis community development ecosystem. Her community development colleagues, partners, and friends around St. Louis value her track record for building strong relationships, attention to detail, and passion for advancing racial and social justice. She’ll now apply these talents on projects nationally as a project manager, while continuing to develop her skills and understanding in development and policy. 

“We’re really excited to add Jenny to our team”, said Matt Wetli, Principal. “Jenny’s such a good communicator, and she really gets our philosophy of honest dialogue with people about their experiences and our strategists’ understanding of how to align market, economic, policy, and place-based systems to achieve better outcomes.” 

“I so appreciate Jenny’s ability to create space for every voice in a conversation,” said Justin Carney, Principal. “Facilitation is such an important part of what we do, it’s going to be fun working with her in communities across the country.” 

Jenny has a Master of Public Policy Administration and Chancellor’s Certificate in Economic Development, both from University of St. Louis.