We’ve designed this page with YOU in mind. Take a moment to learn more about Development Strategies and how your skills and knowledge align with the work we do with clients nationwide.
Further your knowledge and understanding with real-world experience
At Development Strategies, we are cultivating a diverse team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about cities. We provide our clients with a wide range of consulting services in community, economic, and real estate development, and urban design. To do that, we are always looking to add exceptional talent from a variety of disciplines.
The people on our team—and those we seek to add to our team—have varied backgrounds, interests, and degrees. What unifies us is a strong sense of team, dedication to our craft, and desire to continually learn and evolve.
We’re excited about where your career journey may take you, and that we might be a part of it. Explore our website, learn more about us, our projects, and the communities we serve. And if you like what you see, reach out and let us know. Whether we have a job opening that aligns with your current goals or not, we’re always looking to build relationships. You never know what opportunities may open in the future.
Align your passions
Learn more about our opportunities for students, recent graduates and working professionals.
Real Estate/Market Research Analyst
This position requires 0-2 years of experience, and involves research on real estate, economic and demographic trends, transportation routes and other elements relating to real estate market analysis. Key roles include providing research and written summaries for project managers and senior staff.
Physical Planner
This position requires 0-2 years of experience and is responsible for providing physical/urban design analysis through maps, aerials, diagrams, and x-rays that convey physical assets and challenges. Position works with senior staff to illustrate market and economically supportable real estate and public realm interventions. Strong physical mapping skills a must. Skill at page layouts a plus.
Economic Analyst
This position requires 0-2 years of experience and is responsible for conducing real estate research, as well as financial analysis that enables clients to understand public financing scenarios and the outcomes of different public/private partnership opportunities. Experience with spreadsheets is a must.
Why Development Strategies?
As a planning firm that works at the intersection of Community Development, Economic Development, Real Estate, and Urban Design, we are uniquely positioned to help our clients improve their communities. We focus on implementable plans and strategies that help align resources and community partners to make impactful change. To do this, we’ve built a team of critical, creative thinkers, who love to understand the issues and tell meaningful stories about what makes communities tick, all with the goal of planning better cities.
If you are looking to put your skills and aptitudes—in strategic thinking, community engagement, urban design, real estate valuation, development feasibility, economics, public policy, data analysis, and spatial analysis—to immediate use under a collective vision, Development Strategies could be the right fit.
Your passion for communities, commitment to collaboration, and creativity can open doors that provide valuable experience and professional fulfilment.
How to apply
We are currently looking for candidates who are interested in joining our team in the summer or fall of 2025. If you are interested in a position with Development Strategies, please complete this online survey.
Links to portfolio/sample will also be accepted. Portfolio must be focused on the applicant’s personal work. Team projects may be submitted if the applicant was personally responsible for the graphics included.
We are always seeking to add exceptional talent to our staff. Connect with us on Linkedin to learn more about our employment opportunities, projects, clients and team members.